Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, Mother Theresa’s Soup Kitchen in Newark opens its doors and welcomes anyone who needs lunch and dinner. The kitchen opened up around 1984 and has been continuously serving the community since then.
Almost from the beginning, our parish has been proudly affiliated with this charity.
Under the supervision of Sister Benedict, Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity feed between 50 and 120 people every day.
From our parish, a team of 13 dedicated cooks takes turns cooking every Monday in church, with an equally dedicated team of 5 drivers who take turns getting the food down to Newark.
Sister Benedict confirmed that her guests enjoy the St. Pius specialty of “Baked Zitti with Meat Sauce”!
The Soup Kitchen Ministry at St. Pius has been successful for almost four decades due to the generosity and dedication of many parishioners through the years and this tradition of serving the community is still alive and well at St. Pius!
If you wish to join our efforts in building community, please contact the office or Kathy Shields at [email protected]
You’ll meet and befriend other parishioners as we carry on Christ’s mission of serving the least among us!